Signs of Cocaine Use
Cocaine addiction can put a strain on a person’s social relationships and professional life. However, many underestimate how it impacts family members and loved ones. Learning the signs of cocaine use can go a long way in helping loved ones get the help they need. If your daughter or female friend is struggling with cocaine addiction seek treatment at a women’s rehab program in FL.
Behavioral Signs of Cocaine Use
Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that gives users short bursts of euphoria. Although it has minimal medical value, some users report boosts in productivity. However, any positive impacts are generally short lived and far outweighed by the negative effects.
Signs of cocaine use can manifest themselves early in an abuse cycle. When trying to determine if your loved one is using, be on the lookout for:
Increased agitation | Hyperactivity | Lack of appetite | Change in sleep patterns | Erratic behavior
Physical Signs of Cocaine Use
In order to figure out if your loved one has a problem, you’ll generally have to rely on the presences of the symptoms mentioned above. However, short and long-term cocaine use causes many physiological issues, which may be more difficult to spot.
One of the most serious internal signs of cocaine use—especially in long-term users—is heart damage. This causes cardiomyopathy, which is literally defined as the death of cells in the heart. Cocaine use also puts individuals at risk for hearts attacks and cardiac arrhythmias, both of which can be fatal.
Physical signs of cocaine use might also include:
Increased body temperatures | Increased blood pressure | Nasal tissue destruction | Nosebleeds | Migraines | Muscle twitches | Stomach ulcers | Psychosis
The Dangers of Cocaine Abuse and Addiction
Unlike other substances where the effects last for hours, a cocaine high wears off quickly. This creates a psychological craving, which in turn encourages the user to look for more. Cocaine users can build up a dangerous tolerance in a very short period of time. In the chase for replicating that initial euphoria, many users are willing to do anything to get their hands on the drug.
Those struggling with a cocaine addiction might ask family members to borrow money. If family members refuse, users may instead resort to stealing or other illegal activities just to get their hands on the drug. This toxic behavior could very easily cause a rift between users and their families. When users continue down this path, it can lead to an extremely troubling future.
However, there’s hope for individuals struggling with cocaine addiction. Visit our site for addiction education and to learn about various treatment resources. We can help you or a loved one experience a better tomorrow.